Working with Lists Nested in Tuples
In the same way, that python list can contain nested Data Structures tuples can perform the same task.
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So extending our example here of our blog post what I want to do is be able to add a new element at the end of this post that contains a list of tags. So what we're going to essentially have is a tuple with a set of nested strings and then a list inside of that so let's see how we can perform this task.

I will give you a little bit of a preview. It is going to essentially be identical to when we simply wanted to add a new string element inside of the tuple so if you want to pause this video and try to do this yourself I would highly recommend that so that you can see exactly how it works and if you cannot figure it out then follow along in the solution.

So I'm going to start off by creating a list here called tags and I'm going to add some strings inside of that list. I'm going to say python, coding, and tutorial. Now in order to update our post tuple because tuples are immutable and I know you may be tired of hearing me say that I say it so many times because it is one of the most key elements of working with tuples and so I want it to become second nature that you always remember the reason why you would use a tuple in the first place and that is because it's immutable and it can't be changed.

So in order to update this tuple we're going to have to perform reassignment the same way we did with the string so I'm going to say post and then use our assignment operator of plus equals and then pass in a new tuple and this is going to be tags comma.

So this is essentially doing the same thing as when we added our status of publish just like this and because we have tags stored inside this variable it's the same thing as if we performed this kind of addition where we simply put that entire list inside of this tuple and also as a reminder the reason why we have to place a comma after the tag is because if we didn't then Python would assume that we're simply trying to override the order of operations and it wouldn't recognize it as a tuple but now because we have then we're going to be able to concatenate these two together and override our post tuple.

So now if I say print we can access this post and you're going to see that it has the list as the last element here.


Now because this is a tuple we can access that last element. So let's say that we want to access the string coding. We can start by simply using our bracket syntax and because it's the last element we can give the index of negative 1. If I run this you can see we have our list


and if we want the code then we can type 1 because this is the second element which means it has an index of 1. And now if I run this we have access to the string of coding


so we were able to traverse the entire post tuple the same way that we would a list with a nested list inside of it. And so this is going to be something that you're doing quite a bit if you're working with large data structures in machine learning or if you're building out web or mobile APIs for Python applications and any kind of tasks like that. You're going to be working with state data structures quite a bit so it's good to practice these so you can be familiar with how that works.


post = ('Python Basics', 'Intro guide to Python', 'Some cool python content')

tags = ['python', 'coding', 'tutorial']

post += (tags,)
